Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Teacher's Pett

I first stumbled across Pett Level, a cluster of houses on the East sussex coast near Hastings last summer.
I was driving past and spotted 'The Big White House' which (being an avid fan) I instantly recognised from Channel 4's Grand Designs. Naturally the impulse to have a nose around took over, so we parked the car and did just that.
The three storey 'Big White House' looked somewhat out of place nestled between two tumble down 1960's bungalows, the only other offerings of contemporary architecture at the time were 'Sea House' (The owner's previous property) and 'Ocean Point' which was in the midst of a make over.
I was recently in the area so popped back to have a look at the progress of 'Ocean Point' only to find the bungalows were a thing of the past and that several other contemporary buildings had sprung up in their place...

The Big White House

Sea House

Stilt House

Ocean Point

Link Cottage

Wooden House
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  1. Oh my I like totally adore your blog.. what's the right term? oh, yes... it's like simply AMAZING... can't wait for more, daily posts!
